The Seven Sacred Flames are an integral part of the foundation of Telosian life and spirituality. We are fortunate that Aurelia Louise Jones worked with Master Adama and other Masters to compile a beautiful book called The Seven Sacred Flames, incorporating information about and the practices of each Flame and the Ascended Masters associated with each Flame. This book is highly recommended for those visitng this website who have interest in spiritual growth and development — not just information. (Available at Mount Shasta Light Publishing.
The following is quoted from Aurelia’s introduction: “…this Universe, as all of Creation, is well maintained by a long and indestructible chain of Love acting as the spiritual hierarchy, forever expanding to greater levels of Love and Light.” “In the higher realms, it is the degree of unconditional Love and selfless Service that determines the degree of attainment.” (p. xxviii)

Each of the Seven Rays represents a different subject matter, each a segment of self-realization and God-mastery. Each of the Rays is associated with a different Master, a color, a day of the week and a chakra. “Spiritual progress is brought forth as the result of daily application of God’s laws, God’s energies through the seven main rays, and the clearing of one’s karma and emotional body.” “Invoking the Sacred Flames and their attributes opens the channels to receive deeper understanding of cosmic laws.”
“Seek to lift the veil of mortal illusions and reconnect with the magic and power of the original intent of God for your eternal journey into greater purpose and destiny. Our assistance is also available to you for the asking; a simple prayer request from your heart brings us into your forcefield instantly in answer to your call.” (All quotes from Master Adama, p. xv)
The Flames or rays consist of electrons from the Heart of the Creator. The Flames have always been burning and tended in all of the Temples that honor them throughout the world. When the Telosians had to leave their homeland, Lemuria, different Masters carried the original Flames to safe haven in different countries of the world. Though the word “Flame” is often used to describe them, they are not “hot,” but rather cool and soothing. The following chart gives an introduction to these Flames. The “Chohan” is the Master in charge of that Flame.
Sunday YELLOW (Second Ray) The Ray of Illumination and Wisdom. “The Mind of God is amplified.” Chohan is Lord Lanto. Crown Chakra. Masters of this Ray: Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Sananda/Jesus, Master Kuthumi, Confucius.
Monday ROYAL BLUE (First Ray) The Will of God is amplified through the power of the Father, protection, faith. Chohan is Master El Morya. Throat chakra. Archangels Michael and Faith. Master Adama is a blue ray Master.
Tuesday ROSE PINK (Third Ray) The Flame of Cosmic Love, unconditional Love, compassion, brotherhood, charity. The Chohan is Master Paul, the Venetian. Heart chakra. Archangels Chamuel and Charity
Wednesday EMERALD GREEN (Fifth Ray) The Ray of Healing at all levels and creation through manifestation. Chohan is Master Hilarion. Third eye chakra. Masters of this Ray: Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary
Thursday PURPLE AND GOLD (Sixth Ray) The Ray of Resurrection, ministration of the Love of Christ, selfless service. Solar plexus chakra. Masters of this Ray: Lord Sananda and Lady Nada (Jeshua and Mary Magdalene)
Friday WHITE (Fourth Ray) The Ascension Flame of Purification, Christ Consciousness. Chohan is Lord Serapis Bey. Base of the spine chakra. Archangels Gabriel and Hope.
Saturday VIOLET (Seventh Ray). The Violet Flame of Transmutation, freedom, true alchemy, compassion. Chohan is Master Saint Germain. Chakra is Seat of the Soul. Archangels are Zadkiel and Amethyst.