Is Our Earth Hollow? Pt. 1

According to a population estimate from the United Nations, our Earth contained approximately 8 billion inhabitants by the year 2023. We who created this website dare to question this estimate, and so may you after you read the following article, Is Our Earth Hollow?

According to the discoveries made by the highly honored explorer, Admiral Richard E. Byrd, who is credited with visiting the North and South Poles, and information from many other sources as well described within this article, the estimate might be quite a bit larger… if we added on the population of the folks from the inner earth.

Admiral Richard E.  Byrd
Photo: thanks  to  Wikipedia for this photo

Before you decide whether or not to continue reading this article, we suggest you consider reading, first, the fascinating Diary of Admiral Byrd’s journey to the inner earth. Because we consider it such an important part of evidence about the Inner Earth, we have included his complete diary as an entry on this website. Please look up “Admiral Byrd’s Visit to the Inner Earth” and his “Secret Diary” on our contents page. Please note that because of his military status, Admiral Byrd was ordered to keep his discoveries secret.  He held to this order.

In the final entry to Admiral Byrd’s Diary, the distinguished military gentleman wrote his last, deeply personal entry:
“I now make my final entry in this singular diary. In closing, I must state that I have faithfully kept this matter secret as directed all these years. It has been completely against my values of moral right.  Now, I seem to sense the long night coming on, and this secret will not die with me, but as all truth shall, it will triumph and so it shall.
This can be the only hope for mankind. I have seen the truth and it has quickened my spirit and has set me free! I have done my duty toward the monstrous military industrial complex.
“Now, the long night begins to approach, but there shall be no end. Just as the long night of the Arctic ends, the brilliant sunshine of Truth shall come again…and those who are of darkness shall fall in its Light…   FOR I HAVE SEEN THAT LAND BEYOND THE POLE, THAT CENTER OF THE GREAT UNKNOWN.  Admiral Richard E. Byrd, United States Navy, 24 December 1956.”

Photo by Website staff of
“The Missing Diary”

Once you have read the Diary, you will have more of an idea of what may follow in this article. This presentation includes information from many diverse sources concerning the inner earth, including items spanning many years in time, even up to the present, all providing evidence to the answeer to the question. “Is our earth hollow?”

We leave you to read and draw your own conclusions concerning this thrilling possibility. Have an interesting read.  Do remember that this is best enjoyed with an open mind. Bon  Voyage.

Dianne Robbins is a friend of the website staff and one of the most important people to receive direct information from those living within the hollow earth. The following many excerpts are from her paperback book, “Messages from the Hollow Earth.” The book is copyrighted 2003-2017 by Dianne Robbins. (ISBN 978-1546525134/1546524130, paperback, 2nd edition.) It is also available on Kindle.

You will find more information about her and others who have contributed to “Sources of Information About Telos,” available on our index page of that title. We hope you will enjoy these excerpts that follow which Dianne has brought forth to humanity and to historians.

About the people who live in the hollow earth, Dianne comments: “Many of the HOLLOW EARTH BEINGS are very spiritually evolved and technologically advanced far beyond what we could possibly imagine. These advanced civilizations live in peaceful sisterhood and brotherhood inside of our Earth, which contains an Inner Central Sun, with oceans and mountains still in their pristine state.”

“The governing city (capitol) within the Hollow Earth is known as Shamballa. Shamballa is located inside the planet, and can be accessed through the holes at either the North or South poles. The Northern and Southern Lights that we see in our skies are reflections from our Hollow Earth’s Inner Central Sun, which emanates from her hollow core.”

Three photos of the Northern Lights
Website: Wikipedia

“The inner earth folks use free energy to light up their cities, homes, and tunnels. They use crystals, coupled with electromagnetism, which generate a small sun with full-spectrum lighting that lasts for half a million years, and gives them all the power they need.”

“The Earth’s crust (mantle) is approximately 800 miles from the outer to the inner surface. Because our Earth is hollow, and not a solid sphere, the center of gravity is not in the center of the Earth, but in the center of its crust, which is located approximately 400 miles below the surface. The force of gravity in the Inner Earth is half that of the outer surface, which may be one explanation for the greater height of the people, plants, and trees; some of their redwood trees reach over a thousand feet in height.”

Mikos is head librarian of Porthologos, a tremendous source of information within the inner earth.  He spoke frequently with Dianne.

“Good morning. It is Mikos calling to you from the ocean shore in the Hollow Earth, where I am walking along the beach, watching the waves lap the sand. Our oceans are large… with waves larger in size and stronger in force than surface oceans.

 “We all spend much of our time on the beaches, walking on the sand along the shore, and swimming in the ocean’s clean, clear water. The water in our oceans and rivers is composed of living consciousness, and it is our water’s consciousness that keeps us young forever.

“Our shorelines are packed with the purest of sand, white colored, and soft and crystal-clear specs of the smoothest particles you have ever stepped on. Our ocean’s waves lap our shorelines with the purest and cleanest of water you have ever seen or tasted. And the temperature is always perfect for our bodies.

“Our water has consciousness, and talks to us while we are immersed in it. When we swim, our water becomes part of our body, and we are one body, one ocean, swimming along the currents and through the waves. We merge ourselves completely with the water’s consciousness, and our swim is a trip in consciousness itself. It is so much more than what you experience in your surface lakes and oceans, where the consciousness of your water has become so densified and polluted that it has lost its voice and vitality and life force. It weakly calls out to you, but you do not hear it. It calls out to you for help. It calls out to you to stop polluting it, to stop bombarding it with EMF sound waves, to stop the whaling ships and underwater experiments, and oil spills, and submarines, and cruise ships from destroying and poisoning its life force. But alas, it rests on deaf ears.

“All [here] are on a vegetarian diet and do not hunt others. All live in harmony. All the marine life is very evolved compared to the life in the surface oceans. All are used to the peace and safety of our waters, and all are accessible to us. We all communicate directly to the Cetaceans and fish and live cooperatively and in peace with one another.

“Since we are all on a vegetarian diet, we do not hunt whales, go fishing or farm shrimp. Therefore, Mother Nature is free to evolve in our oceans and our oceans are sanctuaries to all ocean life.

Living in harmony
From website: yahoo

“On our land areas, our fields of grains sparkle and thrive and are perfectly touched by the ‘Sun’ and rain to produce the most luscious of crops that are so pleasing to our palates and so invigorating for our bodies. Our food pulses with the force of life, and when eaten by us, transfers the life-force into our very cells, which results in perfect health and longevity of years.

“This is the secret of life; this is the hidden fountain of youth you’ve all been looking for on your surface [of the earth]. It is found in the Earth herself, just waiting to give you its Life-force if you will but follow Nature’s laws of planting and harvesting crops, using only Nature herself to direct the process and oversee the growth.”

Photo from website: yahoo

“Underground, we do not live out in the open spaces the way you do on the surface. Our Hollow Earth cavity is pristine because we do not tread upon her inner surface nor build upon her. We live inside caverns, with openings facing outward towards the open, wide spaces of the Hollow cavity inside the Earth. We travel inside the cavity on our electromagnetic vehicles that levitate a few inches above the ground, never touching the ground. We walk softly on the earthen paths and run along the streams, rivers, and oceans, and climb the towering mountains. But that is the extent of our foot contact with the terrain. The rest we leave for Nature’s Devas and Elementals, as it is their land too.”

“All our living activity takes place within our inner caverns, which are vast and wide and high and composed of crystalline rocks and gemstones and crystal arches radiating full-spectrum-colored rainbows of sparkling light into our cavern atmosphere. Our walls are lined with natural rainbow-hued waterfalls, humidifying the air with the vibrancy and song of its water cascading down. Yes, our water ‘sings,’ and its chorus brings our body cells into harmony, so that our bodies are always vibrating to our water and crystalline surroundings that keep us energized and vibrant all day long. We need little sleep, because our cells are always tuned and in harmony to the natural rhythm of Mother Earth herself.”

What sections of Telos [inner earth] might look like..

“The Spiritual Hierarchy has been preparing housing for you [those of us who live on the surface of the Earth] inside these vast, uninhabited caverns in Earth’s interior, and when the external ‘Earth Changes’ come, many of you will be moved en masse into them to continue your present incarnation inside Earth, not ‘on’ her. You will encounter a ‘whole new way of living’ that is wholesome and rich and perfect in every way. It will expand your consciousness and expand your horizon, and it will be an inner horizon vaster than when you walk outdoors on the surface. A whole new horizon is waiting for you to experience.”

“There are entry caverns all over the Earth, where interactions can take place. Only some are currently open. Nikola Tesla, the genius inventor of electrical technology, is now living inside the Hollow Earth. He began to receive information in the latter part of the 1800’s and discovered that ‘electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world’s machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas or any other of the common fuels.”

Photo of Nikola Tesla
Website:  Wikipedia

“In the 1930’s the tunnel entrances and passageways were closed off by the Hollow Earth civilizations because ‘corporations’ at that time were mis-using Tesla’s technology to gain entrance into the Inner Earth. The Hollow Earth’s two main Portals are at the Holes at the Poles, which were closed off in the year 2000 because our governments were setting detonations at the Poles to blow open entrances into their world. The Inner Earth peoples have installed a magnetic force field around Earth’s polar openings to further camouflage the entrances. This way, the openings are protected from air and land sightings. In the past, there were entrances to the Library of Porthologos on the surface [of the Earth]. One such entrance was the Library of Alexandria in Egypt, destroyed by fire in A.D. 642.

“There is more landmass inside (3/4 land and 1/4 water) and the land is more condensed than ours. Everything in the Hollow Earth is very carefully maintained to balance the ecological system of all life forms that reside there.”

“There are several million Catharians/Agharthean [peoples] currently residing in the Hollow Earth. There are Catharians who have been incarnated as humans on the surface. There are also Catharians that live on the planet Jupiter. The average Catharian is 15 feet tall, rising to 23 feet for certain of the Masters. There are also 36,000 Humans from our outer surface who now live inside the Earth. Over the last 200 years approximately 50 surface Humans went inside to live; however, during the last 20 years only 8 have gone inside to live there.”

And now, Adama, the High Priest of Telos, channeled through Dianne Robbins, talks of his experience of visiting the Oceans and Mountains within the Inner Earth cavity.

Master Adama of Telos
Painting attributed to Glenda Green

“The Earth’s Interior is the mirror image of the surface foundation. Everything is in reverse order inside the Earth. The mountain ranges are in direct proportion to the dimensions of the Earth’s cavity, and tower above the landscape. The oceans are larger than life, and flow calmly and swiftly around the inside of the globe. The air is crisp and clean, and the sand is white. The Central Sun is dimmer than the sun on the outside, and reflects the Light from the Heavens.

“The cities are all nestled in lush woodlands, overflowing with flowers and huge trees. There is green growth surrounding all man-made structures. Everything is in perpetual blossom and bloom. It is a land of wonder and beauty.

“Hollow Earth is a Paradise, with tall, graceful mountains jutting into the ‘sky.’ and large, clear, clean lakes and oceans that abound with life. The diet in the Hollow Earth is strictly vegetarian, and people are healthy, robust, and strong. They, too, have isolated themselves from the surface [of the Earth’s] population, although they come and leave the Earth freely, using the spacecraft that are kept there in the Spaceport inside of the Earth. So, although they are inside the Earth, they have freedom and health, and abundance and peace – all the necessary components of life that you on the surface have been crying out for.

“There is free travel between the subterranean cities and the Hollow Earth through the tunnels, using our electromagnetic trains that can take us from one part of the Earth to another in a fraction of the time it takes you on the surface. Our transportation is quick and efficient, and burns no fuel. Therefore, there is no pollution underground.  We live inside Cavern Homes from which we can look out onto our green world outside.”

Inner Earth Caverns
Website: Wikipedia

“You are all being directed and guided from within, and you are all being provided for. What you witness through your media is only a ‘play,’ a drama that they want you to believe is real, just because the actors are real. But the actors are just ‘playing out their part’ in the world’s drama, and this is the biggest ‘hit’ yet of the new Millennium, playing on your TV and movie theater screens everywhere. Just turn the knob off, go within yourself, and feel and focus on World Peace. Peace is the real movie, and the only ‘reel’ to watch.”

Excerpts and pictures in this article were taken from Wikipedia, the encyclopedia on internet,  and other sources, as cited.

End of Part One

On to Part Two