The Little-Known Story of the
Golden Sun Disc of Mu
“Held by ropes of pure gold in a shrine in the greatest Temple of Divine Light of the Motherland of Mu was the gigantic (seven-foot wide) Golden Disc of the Sun. Before it, on the altar, which was a pillar carved out of solid stone, there blazed the eternal white Light of the crystalline Maxin flame, the Divine Limitless Light of Creation.
“About 30,000 B.C. the Maxin Light went out on the Altar because of the evil of some of the priest-scientists of Great Mu. The Sun Disk remained in its shrine, however, until the time of the final destruction and submergence of 10-12,000 B.C.”
The above paragraphs were taken from the second chapter of the book, Secret of the Andes, by Brother Philip. The following information about the Sun Disk of Mu has been gathered also from other books as well as from the internet.
For eons this magnificent disk was an object of adoration for the ancient Lemurian people. It was utilized in temple ritual ceremonies and also used as a point of concentration during meditation. It was a representation of our sun, the Great Central Sun, and ultimately, a symbol of the Creator God.
According to legend, this disk was more than an ornamental or even ritual object. It was also an instrument of science. It utilized a complex system of mirrors of pure gold including reflectors and lenses to produce healing in the bodies of those who were worshiping in the Temple. The Sun Disk had the power to create earthquakes and affect the rotation of the earth itself, if performed by the priest-scientists. It could also transport a person to another location by merely creating a mental picture. It glowed in a golden spiraling translucent sheen, maintaining, interfacing and regulating the dimensional synergy of the natural telluric forces of Earth with that of mankind and the celestial realms. The Golden Sun Disc was a cosmic mechanism which aligned Earth and our Solar Sun to the Great Central Sun of the galaxy. The disc also emitted energetic golden mean spirals.
The ongoing reprogramming of the Sun Disc serves in assisting the ability of the Earth to regenerate and reform itself, becoming in aspect the DNA pattern or blueprint of the New Earth as it expands its dimensional field into crystalline form.
In his book, Brother Philip tells us that the Disk was not made of ordinary gold, but rather transmuted, translucent gold. It was kept in a hall within Mother Mountain, where only the High Priests and the High Priestesses had access to it during ritual ceremonies. At all other times, the people of Mu could trek high into Mother Mountain to sit in its glorious golden rays.
When Atlantean technology was threatening the stability of the Motherland, the Sun Disc was secreted away from Mu by the Last King of Mu and the Solar Shaman – the Sun lord – known by the generic term Ah-Ma-Ru -Aramu, or Aramu- Muru, Priest of Mu.
The Last King of Mu and his brother, the Sun lord, took the disc with them as they sailed across the seas to the coast of another great continent, South America. As the cataclysm occurred, and the tsunami waves rolled over the Motherland and eventually sank her, the bay of Titicaca rose to form what is today Lake Titicaca. There is valuable, believable geological evidence of the sudden, rapid rise of this area.
The Disk was placed in a subterranean temple at Lake Titicaca in the Monastery of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays. Here it was used by the Masters to teleport back and forth to sit in council or to participate in Transmission Ceremonies.

Golden Inca relic at the National Museum of Lima, Peru, South America
Could this be a replica of the original Lemurian Sun Disk?
When the Incas came to Peru from a distant land across the Pacific (Lemuria ?), they established a highly spiritual society on top of the ruins of the great Colonial culture of the Empire of Lemuria.
From ancient records in their homeland across the Pacific, the Incas learned of the Golden Sun Disk of Mu. They discovered that it had been removed from the doomed Motherland and taken to South America where Lord Muru had founded an inner retreat to keep the Sun Disk safe. After much searching by the Incas, the Disk was presented to them by Lord Muru for daily use in their Temple of the Sun at Cuzco but not until they had reached a higher spiritual path making them worthy of the Disk.
Here the Disc was placed in a shrine. It was secured with golden ropes as it had been formerly held in Lemuria. Today, the holes through which the ropes passed can be seen at the Convent of Santo Domingo in Cuzco which is built on top of the Pre-Inca and Inca Sun Temple.
Believed to be a gift from the Creator God Viracocha, the Inca priests used the Golden Sun Disc to control the spiritual health of their entire empire. Inca priests regarded the Temple of the Sun as the center of the known universe, and the Golden Sun Disc was located at the ‘center of the center.’
The Incas called their Temple “Coricancha” which means “Place of Gold” or “Gardens of Gold”. This was because of the magnificent, solid gold, life-sized figures of men, animals, plants and flowers that were placed in a real Garden of Gold adjacent to the Sun Temple.
The Disk remained in the Coricancha at Cuzco until word reached the priests that Don Francisco Pizarro had landed in Peru from Spain. The seven-foot-wide disc of ‘translucent gold’ vanished from the Temple of the Sun sometime in the weeks preceding the 11th of November 1535, when Francisco Pizarro’s Spanish troops invaded and arrested Manco Inca, the leader of the Inca people. Manco escaped and amassed almost quarter of a million Inca warriors in the jungles surrounding Cuzco, declared war on the Spanish Empire, and demanded they leave immediately. But the Spanish weren’t going anywhere.
When Manco Inca retreated in 1535 and founded the Neo-Inca capital city of Vilcabamba, one of the first tasks he undertook was to erect a new central Temple of the Sun so that the people could maintain their daily worship of the sun god Inti. Because the Sun Disk was regarded as the center of the Inca’s universe, the fulcrum of their entire cosmo-vision, it was reinstalled in a new Temple where it was used by the priests as an anchor in their solar rituals and ceremonies, and most importantly to regain control of the national ceke lines which flowed across the Inca state.
A brutal jungle war for Cuzco was fought for almost a full year until Manco’s people retreated to the last city of the rebel Inca empire, Vilcabamba. For two years the Pizarro brothers searched the Andes for Manco, and in April 1539, they discovered Vilacamba and captured his wife, Queen Cura. The Pizarro brothers stripped her naked, strapped her to a tree and spent hours ‘firing volumes of bamboo arrows into her body’ before floating her punctured torso down the Vilcanota River in a basket, where it would eventually be found by Manco.
On June 23, 1541, the game changed when Francisco Pizarro was assassinated in Lima by two of his own men, who had become jealous of the personal gold wealth he had amassed for himself. The assassins subsequently sought refuge with Manco Inca who welcomed them in, but in 1544, after many guerrilla battles in the mountainous regions of Vilcabamba, the two assassins murdered Manco fulfilling a deal with the King of Spain who in return for Manco’s assassination, promised them pardon for having murdered Pizarro.
Manco was stabbed while playing a game with the two Spaniards, who were quickly arrested and killed. He was succeeded by his son, Sayri Tupaq Inca, who continued to hide out in the Vilcabamba region until 1572, when it fell to Spanish control, after which the city was destroyed, then lost, becoming the fabled ‘Lost City of the Incas’.
Where is the Sun Disk located today? There are “legends” that a golden Inca sun disc had been removed from the Coricancha temple in Cuzco and taken to a “mountaintop village” called Paititi. Many explorers are to this day searching for the Golden Sun Disk of Mu.
Brother Philip ends his chapter on The Golden Sun Disk of Mu with this quote:
“The Disk will remain at Lake Titicaca until that day ‘when man is spiritually ready’ to receive it and use it once again. On that day the Golden Disk will be taken out of its subterranean chamber and placed high above the Monastery of the Brotherhood. For many miles the pilgrims of the New Dawn will see it once again reflecting the glorious rays of the sun. Coming from it will be an undeniable tone of purest harmony that will bring many followers of light up the foot-worn path to the ancient gate of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays, and they shall enter the Valley of the Blue Moon for fellowship in the Father.”