This compilation about the life of the people of Telos comes from several published sources that are cited at the end of this article.

The following are the topics covered: Physical Appearance of the Telosians; The Language of the Telosians; Money; Light, Air and Water in Telos; Homes of the Telosian People: Transportation; Government; Careers and Barter System; Community Service; Technology, Computers; Relationships, Marriage; Conception, Childbirth; Youth and Education; More about Spirituality, Temples, the Order of Melchezedek; Agelessness, Immortality; The Agartha Network; the Galactic Federation; An Important Final Comment; SOURCES for the Above Information.

Physical Appearance of the Telosians: The Telosian people look very much like us. That is, their bodies are of the same general construction and appearance as our bodies. A major difference is that most Telosians are much taller in stature (they are generally 7 or 8 feet tall or more) and broader than we are. Their bodies are also much less dense or less solid than ours. We are in carbon based body structures, but their body structures have more light (life force energy, Prana or Qi) and so appear less solid.
Master Adama speaks about the body structure of his people. “…we do have physicality. You can reach out and touch us. We have a makeup of matter and physicality. You can hold our hands. However, our bodies feel much lighter than yours do. Our bodies feel more free and vibrant. They express more of the joyful radiance of light and energy coming to us.” (Master Adama, quoted from Bryan Tilghman, Telos Welcoming New Earth, p. 147)
Telosians are described as tall (of course!), graceful beings, with long flowing hair. They often dress in white or colorful long robes, wearing necklaces and crystals for adornment. They wear sandals on their feet. Although they are physical in nature, they are able to shift their energy fields from third (our dimension) to lighter, higher fourth and fifth dimensions, which are very much less dense and more etheric. They are also able to become invisible at will, and they can teleport if they wish. (Aurelia Louise Jones, Telos,Volume I, p. 38)
The Telosians do not age and have become “immortal.” Most people look between twenty and forty years of age, according to our standards. By not believing in death, they are not limited by it. They have also conquered all disease and degeneration of the body through spiritual beliefs and practices and through their advanced technology. They, therefore, may live thousands of years, and can choose approximately what age they desire to appear. “The gift of living in perfected bodies comes with the grace of ascension into a fifth dimensional consciousness.” (From Aurelia Louise Jones, Telos, Volume 1). See Immortality, below.

The Language of the Telosians: Much communication among Telosians is by extra-sensory perception. “Solara Maru” (Solar Language) is the commonly spoken language. This is the root language for Sanskrit and Hebrew. The Telosians are said to also speak impeccable English with a slight accent. They have chosen to learn English as a second language because they live in the United States.

Money: Money is non-existent in this society. The basic needs of all inhabitants are taken care of (food, clothing, furniture, education, etc.) and are the responsibility of the government. There are distribution centers at which these necessities are always available.
Luxuries (beyond necessities) are exchanged via a sophisticated barter system accessed by computers. These might include a massage treatment, hand-made jewelry, works of art and decorative items. “Here in Telos, all foods and commodities are free, and freely given or bartered for. This way, everyone has everything they need to live a life where all necessities are met, and which results in freedom of time to live and develop our creativity.” (Quoted from TELOS, New Expanded Edition, by Dianne Robbins, pages 62, 63)

Light, Air and Water in Telos: An immediate question many will ask is: how do the Telosians live under the earth? What kind of light do they have, and what do they do for air? For water? The following explanation about the lighting of the city of Telos comes from “Secrets of the Subterranean Cities” found on the website, Secrets… was given by a Telosian who is now living on the surface of the earth and who offered a detailed description about her homeland. The description of the lighting of Telos is so unique that it is given here in its entirety.
Light: “There is a process … using a [kind of] stone with a high crystalline content. [This stone] is fused with electromagnetic … energy. This infusion of energy…causes the crystalline matrix of the stone … to pull in [light] …even invisible rays, and [send them out again] as visible light. …it becomes a small sun.
“Our main lighting structure throughout the city…is produced by these stones. The light they produce is a full spectrum lighting, admitting all rays. …this energy infusion process [turns] the stone [into] a small sun, and the sun will burn for about a half a million years before…the crystalline matrix breaks down and the stone becomes no longer capable of functioning in this manner.” Master Adama has confirmed through channeled conversation that these “small suns” are used all over Level One of Telos, and that they provide excellent constant lighting, similar to the lighting of the sun on our surface. They are also used in other subterranean cities.
Continuing: The Telosians also have a system for dimming the lighting to provide restful time in the evening for the population. “…about the same time the sun is setting on the surface [of the Earth], filters are slid over the front of our lighting system, dimming it until it is about as dim as it is in twilight [on the surface]. Then, when the sun would be rising [on the surface], the filters start sliding back slowly, thus allowing it to get brighter and brighter.” A NOTE: This is but one instance of the extremely advanced technology of the Telosian people. We will encounter many more examples.

Air: “…we get our air [from the] plants. We [Telosian beings] produce carbon dioxide, …and the plants take in the carbon dioxide and create the oxygen for us. So in essence, it’s a small ecosystem just as it works on the surface [of the Earth].” “We once had openings to the surface bringing in some of our air supply but the air coming in was getting increasingly polluted, so we shut this system down. We now produce all our own clean air, not depending on the surface openings anymore.”
“We also have water in some areas moving at high speeds. This creates a circulation of the air, freshening it; plus, it creates many negative ions.”
Water: “In Telos, we use…energy from the Inner Earth Oceans, which flow through the Earth and into our streams and lakes and caverns underground. We harness this energy, and use it to operate our machinery and create our atmosphere underground. All our technology is operated naturally, with no residue of pollution or waste. Therefore, our air is always perfectly clear, and clean to breathe.
“We have vast reservoirs of water at our disposal from underground lakes. We pipe this water into any location we choose. We have lakes everywhere possible in Telos. We have small lakes and ponds with fresh running waterfalls dotting the landscape. Waterfalls keep the air circulating.” (The information on air and water can mostly be found in Telos, New Expanded Edition, by Dianne Robbins.)

Homes of the Telosian People: “Our homes are circular. At one time we had to build our homes the way you do now with the help of architects, real physical plans and various building materials and tools such as saws and hammers. Now that we have become fifth dimensional beings, we create our homes by manifesting much of what we need with our thoughts, intentions and sustained focus. We use the basic principles of sacred geometry. Our homes are constructed from crystal-like stones that emit much light and are quite beautiful. The stones contain enough opacity to prevent those on the outside from looking in. In this way, we maintain our privacy at all times. When we are inside, the view looking out is totally clear, like houses of clear glass, allowing us to see out at all angles and in all directions. We use our imagination to finish this home in any way we wish.” (From TELOS, Book I, Aurelia Louise Jones)

Transportation: Most people prefer to walk when they are within the city. Moving sidewalks, inter-level elevators, and electromagnetic sleds resembling snowmobiles that are capable of moving along the ground are used within the city. Also within the city is a fascinating phenomenon called “baskets” that run on crystalline technology and float through the air. They are guided by mind control as to how fast to move, how high to go, etc. These are monitored by a control tower to prevent accidents.
For transportation outside the city, there are tubes. High-powered, high-speed electromagnetic trains run in a tube made of rock that looks like a long tunnel. This is the transportation used to travel from Telos to the other over 120 subterranean cities. The tunnels in which the tubes operate are created by an advanced technology called a “boring machine” that has the capacity to create walls in a subterranean city very quickly. [See Secrets of the Subterranean Cities, Part II, page 4 in, for more details of this fascinating technology.]

Government: There are two forms of government. Telos has a King and Queen, the Ra and Rana Mu, who are trained priest and priestess in the Order of Melchesedek. They are also Ascended Masters, and Twin Flames. The King and Queen are of Lemurian royal descent. It is said that this hereditary position of the lineage has been unbroken for 30,000 years. The King and Queen have responsibility for upholding God’s divine plan for the society.
The second aspect of governance consists of a Council of Twelve, a group that is balanced with six men and six women most of whom are Ascended Masters. These people are evolved beings who have the capacity to be impartial and who will always place the good of the whole first. They do collective problem solving for the society and serve as guides and guardians of the people.
There are smaller neighborhood councils throughout the city, also operating on the principle of twelve, male and female equally balanced six and six. Lesser personal problems that may arise may be handled by “Arbitrators,” priests and priestesses who are trained in understanding of human psyche and have access to the Akashic records. This Akashic access enables them to see the possible deeper reasons for a given conflict. The High Priest, Master Adama, officiates as leader of the Council and makes a final determination if there is a tie.

Careers and Barter System: Young people have the opportunity to observe, as they are growing up, what is needed as “work” to sustain the larger community, and to explore what they enjoy and love doing. When they are ready, they choose the type of “work” that appeals to them.
Everyone has a job and sets his or her own work hours (no more than four hours a day for most) and takes responsibility for each one’s task. Everyone knows and agrees that the hours you are contributing for work are for the benefit of everyone, including yourself. There is no supervision nor “salaries.”

Community Service: Everyone does a certain amount of time each month on certain jobs that are considered necessary but less appealing, jobs that possibly no one would “choose.” This includes gathering the garbage, dematerializing it, weeding the hydroponic gardens, collecting feces from the animals that live in the community park, and other such tasks.
This community service work is equally shared. No one is exempt. The Council of Twelve members are working right there with everyone else. What you find on these jobs is singing and playing and a camaraderie. Such community service might happen once a month, and people actually look forward to it!

Technology, Computers: The Telosians have reached a high level of technological development unimaginable at this time to most people on the surface. They had mastered atomic energy, telepathy and clairvoyance, electronics and science as much as 18,000 years ago. Much of their technology is controlled through thought forms. This is made possible through their ego-less devotion to the Creator and to the whole. Their fifth dimensional thoughts are pure and under their control. They utilize crystals for many technological and building purposes, and they travel in spaceships which they can render invisible.
The following information about their computers is taken from Secrets of the Subterranean Cities, to be found on “Our computers are run by an organic substance (amino acid based). They no longer run off a program that is strictly binary, but they run off what is called a multi-tracking program. Thus the computers are able to pick up Akashas, past lives. They are able to monitor a human body and see what’s amiss. They are able to read the aura. They are able to pick up communications happening clear across the galaxy.” “…the computers are able to play our soul notes.” This produces an effect similar to meditation, “taking us to higher and higher levels all the time.” “The computers are able to … [play] our past lives…so that we are able to learn from mistakes that we have made in the past and forgotten.”
“…the computers cannot be corrupted. They can never be used to spy on somebody. They can never be used to monitor somebody …” even “for their own good.” “They can never be used to produce harm to another living entity. They cannot be used for any of the dark purposes. The computer simply won’t cooperate…”
The Telosians are able to monitor everything on the surface of Earth – every aspect of our society – with ease, through their computer system. They especially keep close track of events that are harmful to the land and our people (pollution, fires, natural disasters), since what we do, affects them as well.

Relationships, Marriage: In Telos, there are two forms of marriage. There is a bond marriage. This is pursued when two beings feel romantically attracted and want to explore the relationship by living together. They make a commitment before a priest or priestess, but the marriage is only intended for as long as they are happy together.
In a bond marriage, the couple live together to learn from each other and grow in maturity. The marriage is easily dissolved when and if the couple desires to move on. These marriages can last anywhere from a few short years to several hundred years, and the couple leave these marriages as friends. There is no stigma attached to dissolving a bond marriage. Children are not allowed in this level of marriage.
The second type of marriage is a committed or sacred marriage. Only in a committed marriage are people permitted to have children. They must apply to the community to bring forth a new soul. In a committed or sacred marriage, there is no possibility of divorce. A couple must be very sure of their commitment to each other. Starting a family is considered a privilege and an honor. “Only to our more mature and more evolved people is the privilege of bringing forth children granted, giving birth to noble and more advanced souls: thus perpetuating an enlightened civilization.” (Adama and Ahnahmar in Telos, Volume I, Chapter 8 by Aurelia Louise Jones). Please see additional articles on this topic.

Conception, Childbirth: Telosians consider childbirth a very sacred process whereby the parents-to-be spend much time in the temple, welcoming the child with beautiful music, thoughts and imagery. Thus, children begin their lives under the most beneficial conditions, and this is imprinted on their being.
Water birthing with both parents is their way. Pregnancy lasts three months, not nine, and childbirth is painless. There are as many as ten sets of God-parents and extended family for the incoming child.
In Telos, there are no unwanted pregnancies. Sexual unions alone do not manifest pregnancy. Pregnancy only occurs when a specific soul is invited to enter. There are no children who appear without invitation, and there are no “children producing children.” See additional articles on this subject as there are many beautiful details to share.

Youth and Education: Children in Telos are familiar with the activities of surface children through certain of our television programs to which they have access. With their parents, they also visit families in other Agartha cities, so they are familiar with other cultures. Telosian children are raised in ways that are somewhat different from ours.
First of all, only parents who have been united in a sacred marriage are allowed to have children and they must take a special parenting training. “Children born in Telos spend a full two years in twenty-four hour care with both mother and father. The father takes the first two years of the child’s life off from his civil duties so that the infant can have balanced and equal time with the earthly representatives of Father/Mother God. Since the government provides all necessities for living, the Temple makes sure that this is virtually a requirement for the parents.”
The newborn child receives a set of 10 godparents soon after birth. This way, the child always receives ample attention. Not only does the child have additional parents, but also ample surrogate brothers and sisters to interact with. Thus, children learn early on that they will always be loved, cared for and provided for.
Children begin schooling at the age of three and then basic education continues until they reach the age of eighteen. At three, children are very clear and can learn mathematics and abstract concepts, how things work, often though games. They also learn meditation at an early age. The Lemurian language is taught in school, and also English as an optional second language. All children have computers linked to the Universal Energy and Information Grid that provides “historical information that is accurate and truthful.” Teachers in all schools in Telos are trained Melchizedek priests and priestesses.
About the age of twelve, children spend time in what is referred to as the “Group.” “This group is a sorority/fraternity of kids their own age. Usually in groups of ten to twenty, the children will experience all the wonders of puberty and adolescence together. …the ‘group’ forms a bond that carries them into adulthood and beyond.” “The group format is also used in their schooling process, and all learning is experienced together.”
At the age of eighteen, they then choose their direction for the next few years. They can choose advanced studies in a field of their choosing; some take Temple training; some go into service with the Telosian fleet of spaceships (a six month service in the Silver Fleet is required); some choose training for their life work within Telosian society. There are many other options including communications, transportation, cooking, manufacturing, and so on.
(Source: Aurelia Louise Jones, Telos, Volume 1, Chapter Seven, Children of Telos.)

More About Spirituality, Temples, the Order of Melchezedeck: Telos has been described as a “temple society.” The temples are run by the Order of Melchizedeck, a cosmic priesthood existing everywhere in the universe with responsibility for bringing the Light plans from the highest realms down to the other realms.
The Order of Melchizedeck follows the traditions of the great mystery schools, honoring such beings as Jesus, Buddha, Isis and Osiris, and all of the Ascended Masters, in addition to the spiritual teachers of their own longstanding heritage. Many people take training at the temple(s), even those who do not become priests and priestesses, to insure that they will always set the good of the many above their personal good.
The foundation for the spiritual life of the Telosians is the Seven Sacred Flames, already mentioned. This was made available in book form by Aurelia Louise Jones. All Telosians participate in this spiritual teaching (there are additional articles on this.). There is a temple for every one of the Seven Sacred Flames.

Agelessness, Immortality: The Telosians do not age unless they choose it. They, thus, may be considered immortal. That is, they do not “die,” in the way that is accepted in our society on the surface. By not believing in death, they are not limited by it. Their fifth dimensional perspective of Love and Light allows a higher view of life. They have also conquered all disease and degeneration of the body through spiritual beliefs and practices and through their advanced technology. They, therefore, may live thousands of years, though most of them look an age between 30 and 40 and stay there.
They remind us, “You are all light, as we are all light. What this means is that our bodies are electrical in nature, and react as a battery would in a flashlight. When our vibratory rate reaches a certain frequency, it triggers the Light particles or photons in our body to ignite, so to speak, and it turns on the Light in our bodies.
“This is a simple chemical principle, and it works in all things. Once you reach a certain velocity or wavelength, you blaze forth as the Light of the Sun. It is this Light that we connect with, or rather, that connects with us.” (Quoted from Telos, New Expanded Edition, by Dianne Robbins, p. 42, 3. There are further explanations of this in the book, The Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia Louise Jones.

The Agartha Network: According to information from, Secrets of the Subterranean Cities, and confirmed by channeling with Master Adama, there are over 120 subterranean cities in the Inner Earth that are part of the federation called the Agartha Network (sometimes spelled Agharta). Some of the cities were built in very early times. All of the cities are physical and are based on “light principles.” Requirements are that the community be based on Love and non-aggression in order to join the Agartha Network. Telos is the current capital of the Network.
There are four other cities within the Agartha Network that are based on Lemurian technology and ideas: Rama (underneath India); Shonshe (under Tibet); Shingla (under the Gobi); and Posid (which is an Atlantean city under the Mato Grasso plateau). Many of them resulted from the need to create safe havens during the massive geological changes on Earth — around the time period of the sinking of Lemuria and Atlantis.
[It also might be noted that Telos has a small secondary city in Mt. Lassen, CA within the same mountain range as Mt. Shasta. Easy connection is made via the tube.]

The Galactic Federation*: The following is the explanation of this “organization” given in Secrets of the Subterranean Cities, which was shared by a Telosian who is living now on the surface of the Earth.
“Earth is a member of the confederation, it’s just half of earth forgot. You might ask, ‘What is the confederation?’ I’m sure most of you … are familiar with … Star Trek. We would say, “That was channeled.” But instead of being the “Federation” of planets, it’s the “Confederation,” an organization that was created throughout the solar systems and the galaxies that brought different civilizations, different systems together on a basis of brotherhood, on a basis of commerce, on a basis of group exploration, on a basis of interacting with the different systems in a galaxy, or without a galaxy.
“A confederation is …represented very much throughout a galaxy in the form of sectors. Looking at our galaxy, the Milky Way, I’m sure you’ve all seen the pictures of t-shirts and such that say the Milky Way and then has a little dot out toward the end, ‘You are here.’ Yes, we are here and we are here in what is called Sector 9. The center of our galaxy, or the center of the Confederation in this galaxy is what is called Sector Zero, and the other sectors radiate outward from it, much like the spokes of a wheel.
“Each sector is responsible for its own actions, plus it is responsible for how it interacts with other sectors. Our sector, Sector 9, is under the command of a being called Ashtar. Many of you have heard of the Ashtar Command – Ashtar and his twin flame, Athena. Within this sector or within the Ashtar Command, there are over a hundred fleets. Some fleets basically belong to one planet. Some fleets belong to just a couple of planets. Other fleets belong to a whole solar system, and other fleets are interceptor fleets that basically serve the whole sector. Then other fleets are Confederation fleets which serve the whole, you might say, ‘the whole pie.’ I just wanted to give you a brief understanding of the Confederation and how it works.”
*[Note: In a channeled consultation with Master Adama, he referred to what is called here the “Confederation” as the “Galactic Federation.”]

An Important Final Comment: The Telosians and other subterranean inhabitants have learned the futility of war and violence and are patiently waiting for us to draw the same conclusion. They are such deeply spiritual and gentle beings that even our judgmental thoughts can be harmful to them. Until now the truth of their existence has been veiled by Spirit. They desire to unite with us, but this depends on the purity of our intentions and our capacity to think positively.
Currently, a few hundred brave subterranean people are living within our world on the surface. In order to blend with the masses, they have undergone temporary cellular change so that they do not tower above the rest of us physically. The Telosians are desirous of assisting us (their brothers and sisters on the “surface”) to create a loving way of life and they wish to share with us their technology and all that they have learned.
That is the purpose of this website – to introduce the Telosians and other subterranean peoples to our surface population and to share the most basic (spiritual) principles that they have found to be the foundation of happiness, abundance and long life.
The material in this section, An Important Final Comment, comes from Telos, New Expanded Edition by Dianne Robbins, specifically from a special section at the end of the book, entitled Secrets of the Subterranean Cities by Juliette Sweet, page 239.
SOURCES for the Above Information:
(1)The largest amount of the material in the above article, The People of Telos, comes from tapes and transcripts entitled Secrets of the Subterranean Cities, Parts 1-4 which is posted on This material was given verbally by a member of the Telosian community who has been living on the surface of the Earth.
(2) Two books by Diane Robbins also provided much of this information: Messages from the Hollow Earth (paperback and Kindle), especially pages 192-196 and TELOS, 1st Transmissons ever received from the Subterranean City beneath Mt. Shasta, New Expanded Edition
(3) Information also comes from Aurelia Louise Jones, Telos, Book I, Revelations of the New Lemuria; Telos, Book II, Messages for the Enlightenment of a Humanity in Transformation; and Telos, Book III, Protocols of the Fifth Dimension (Mount Shasta Light Publishing).
(4) Sections of Telos Welcoming New Earth by Bryan Tilghman (MU Press, Mt. Shasta, California) also provided additional illuminating information.