Part One
My interest in ancient civilizations began in 1970, while living in Tangier, Morocco. One day some friends and I visited a small Berber village, Chefchaouen, located in the local mountains not far from Tangier. While hiking along an earthen canyon path near the village, my eye fell upon a small white shiny object that turned out to be a seashell. I picked it up, put it in my pocket and continued walking along the trail.
Suddenly, I stopped, pulled the seashell out of my pocket and stared at it for a moment. “Wait a minute. A seashell? How did this get up here? We must be at least a thousand feet above sea level.” I discovered later that this village was actually 1850 feet above sea level. l also discovered that the Berber people were believed to be among the survivors from the sinking of Atlantis! To add to the fascination, the name of this mountain range was the Atlas Mountains.
There are no accidents. My interest was piqued again very soon when a book came into my hands- –Atlantis, by Ignatius L. Donnelly, published in 1882. I devoured it. Now looking back on my life, I can see that the Creator had a plan for me that has led me to share my passion with you in present time.
Many people have heard about Atlantis, but very few are aware that Lemuria, also known as “The Motherland,” was the main event, and Atlantis was a later colony of Lemuria. We dwellers on Mother Earth deserve to know where we came from. I hope you will jump into this adventure with me about Telos, Lemuria and Atlantis and see for yourself that the story I am about to share may be closer to the truth than what we have been taught in school. I will present tangible evidence to back up what I believe is closer to the facts.
I offer a quote from H.H. Bancroft, a late-nineteenth century American
anthropologist: “We may be sure that there never was a myth without a meaning; that mythology is not a bundle of ridiculous fancies…; that there is not one of those stories…, which was not founded in fact, which did not hold significance…”
Lemuria, The Motherland
“Lemuria,” “Mu,” “The Motherland,” all speak of a supposed mythological land that existed in the far distant past that covered a large part of the Pacific Ocean. The story goes that Lemuria was a continent inhabited by a tall white race of highly advanced beings who were said to be immortal and flew through the air in magical flying machines. The story you are about to read may seem like just that — another fantasy adventure. The big difference with this story is that there is actually a convincing amount of information backed by the sciences of history, archaeology, geology, zoology, oceanography, spirituality and personal experience.
What follows is a quote spoken by Adama, the high priest of Telos , who is believed to have lived in Ancient Lemuria. (Quoted in the book, Telos, Volume 3, Protocols of the Fifth Dimension, by Aurelia Louise Jones).
“Lemuria was the great continent that was considered the “Motherland” on a planet that perished in its third dimensional aspect 12,000 years ago. The land of Mu exists in another universe called the Dahl universe, and is the land the original Lemurians came from over 4,500,000 years ago. The name Mu was also given to the huge spaceship in which the Lemurians traveled from their Motherland when they first came here from the Dahl Universe. The original ‘land of Mu’ basically resides very close to the place that you know as the constellation of Cassiopeia. During the time of Lemuria and even earlier, millions of years ago, there were several civilizations that came to inhabit this planet, but they were not very enlightened about the Light that we know today, and most of them did not embody the true Christic consciousness.
“On the original continent of Mu in the Dahl universe, we had built a huge spaceship that you would call today a mothership; we called it the ‘Great Ship of Mu’ because it was at the time one of the largest that existed anywhere. At the request of the Creator, one day a very long time ago, a whole group of us embarked on a journey to your planet Earth. We left our homeland and began our great adventure towards this planet. We circled the Earth for quite some time in our ship, observing this beautiful blue planet and the people who already lived here, before deciding to step onto the soil of this land and make it our home.
“Many of the beings who originally ventured out from the ship of Mu are some of the beloved Ascended Masters you know today, and who, with great love, persist in guiding you ‘back home’ to the ‘Heart of Mu’, the place of Love and Compassion and paradise you now so long to reconnect with.
“What we brought with us was the pure original teachings of Creator Source, and with this, we eventually created three long golden ages of such magnificence not imagined or comprehended in your present state of consciousness. These memories are still stored in the cellular structures of your bodies and in the infinite chambers of your hearts. With a little more patience, these wondrous memories of your former level of consciousness will begin to surface from your awareness, as you choose it, as you are willing to do your inner work and start living again from the Sacred Heart of your beingness. With our help and with the help of so many beings from this and other universes, you will be able to recreate what has always been your birthright as divine beings.”
From the same source, Aurelia Louise Jones quotes another transmission from Master Adama (whom we will get to know later). Adama speaks:
“About 4,500,000 years ago, Archangel Michael with his band of Blue Flame angels and many Beings from the Light Realms, with the blessing of Father/Mother God, escorted to this planet the first souls who were to become the seeds of the Lemurian race. This took place at the Royal Teton Retreat, known today as the Grand Teton National Park near Jackson, Wyoming. These new souls incarnating on this planet originally came from the Land of Mu in the Dahl Universe. At this time, the Earth expressed everywhere a perfection, abundance and beauty that can hardly be imagined today. It was indeed the most magnificent paradise of the universe and of the whole of Creation. This perfection was maintained for several million years, until the beginning of the fall in consciousness that took place during the fourth golden age.
“Eventually, other races from the Andromeda galaxy, Sirius, Orion, Alpha Centauri, the Pleiades, Venus and a few other planets came and joined these ‘seed’ souls to evolve here as well. These races mixed together to form the Lemurian civilization. To say the least, it was quite an awesome mixture! Lemuria, the ‘Motherland’, became the cradle of an enlightened civilization on this planet, assisting in the eventual birth of many other civilizations, including Atlantis.”
Hard to believe? Yes, it makes Star Wars look like a children’s story.
Adama continues: “At first, the wonderous souls who came here from Mu for the ‘great adventure’ had to adjust and acclimate to many new experiences. With the assistance and guidance of the angels, they were tutored inside the Royal Teton Retreat (in Jackson Hole Wyoming) on how to live here, and gradually they ventured out and started to form small communities. As they adjusted and gained confidence, they ventured further and further away from their retreat. They later colonized the whole continent of Lemuria which was huge and extended far into what you know today as the Pacific Ocean and beyond.
“Before the fall [a fall in consciousness], the Lemurians were not in physical expression as you know it today. Earth existed in a fifth dimensional expression at that time. Lemurians lived mainly in their fifth dimensional light bodies, with the ability to lower their vibration to experience denser levels whenever they chose and to return to their light bodies at will. Of course, this was very long ago, before what you call ‘the fall’, which brought the gradual lowering in vibration of the consciousness of this wondrous race and of all others living on the planet. Our people, like many other civilizations, eventually fell to the level of the fourth dimension, and later on, all the way to the density of the third. This fall in consciousness took place over a period of several thousand years”.
Let’s see what life was like when Lemuria was flourishing. The time frame for that would be between 4,500,000 years ago to about 30,000 years ago (until the destruction sometime between 12-10,000 BC). Of all the sources studied, by far the most believable and comprehensive would be from the writings of Colonel James Churchward. James M. Churchward, a 33-degree Mason, was born in Devon, England in February 1851. We will discuss in detail in a later body of work the life and incredible contribution of Colonel Churchward. Without Churchward, Lemuria would be just a distant, vague fairy-tale.
For 65 years, Churchward gathered up information from archaeology and ancient sacred writings including the Popul Vu, Codex Cortesianus, Codex Troano, the Lhasa Record, Easter Island Tablet, Greek Records, India and Maya records, Valmiki’s Ramayana, Egyptian records including the Book of the Dead, the Naacal Tablets, Plutarch’s Life of Solon, Madam Blavatsky’s Book of Dzyan, the Mahabharat, and many more.
The following material has been quoted from his book, The Lost Continent of Mu, The Complete Edition, by Col. James Churchward. From these writings and his archaeological research, Churchward paints an amazing, almost unbelievable picture of Lemuria, the Motherland of Mu. Churchward estimated the measurements of Lemuria to be 5,000 miles from east to west and 3,000 miles from north to south.
From his research, travels and studies of ancient manuscripts, Churchward constructed the following picture: “It was a ‘beautiful’ tropical country with ‘vast plains’. The valleys and plains were covered with rich grazing grasses and tilled fields, while the ‘low- rolling hill-lands’ were shaded by luxuriant growths of tropical vegetation. In Lemuria’s early stages, no mountains or mountain ranges stretched themselves across this earthly paradise to give an irregular, jagged picture. The skyline was soft and graceful. Mountains had not yet been forced up from the bowels of the earth.

“The great rich land was intersected and watered by many broad, slow-running streams and rivers, which wound their sinuous ways in fantastic curves and bends around the wooded hills and through the fertile plains. Luxuriant vegetation covered the whole land with a soft, pleasing, restful mantle of green. Broad smooth roads ran in all directions like a spider’s web. These roads were laid with smooth stones, so perfectly matched those grasses could not grow between them.
“At its height, this great continent was teeming with gay and happy life over which 64,000,000 happy people reigned supreme. The 64,000,000 were made up of ‘ten tribes’, each one distinct from the other, but all under one government. Many generations before, the people had selected a king and added the prefix Ra to his name. He then became the hieratical head and emperor under the name ‘Ra Mu’. The empire received the name ‘Empire of the Sun’. (In a future article we will talk about the Sacred Sun Disk of Mu). It was thoroughly taught and understood that Ra Mu was not to be worshipped, as he was only a representative.
“All followed the same religion, a worship of the Deity through symbols. All believed in the immortality of the soul, which soul eventually returned to the ‘great source’ from whence it came. Spirituality was of the utmost importance.
“At this time, the people of Mu were very highly civilized and enlightened. There was no savagery on the face of the earth, nor had there ever been, for all the peoples on earth were children of Mu and were under the sovereignty of the Motherland. In the land of Mu there were seven great or principal cities, the seat of religion, science and learning. There were many other large cities, towns and villages, scattered throughout the three lands. According to records, inscriptions and traditions, man’s advent on the earth was in the land of Mu… Great carved stone temples without roofs, sometimes called ‘transparent’ temples, adorned the cities.
“While thus this great land was at its zenith, while it was the center of earth’s civilization, learning, trade and commerce, and while great stone temples were being erected, and huge statues and monoliths were being set up, the land of Mu received a rude shock; a fearful visitation overtook her. Rumbles from the bowels of the earth, followed by earthquakes and volcanic outbursts shook up the southern parts of the land of Mu.
“Along the southern shores of the continent great cataclysmic waves from the ocean rolled in over the land, and many a fair city went down to destruction. Eventually the volcanic workings ceased. The volcanoes died out, and have ever since remained silent. After the cessation of these volcanic workings, the people of the land of Mu overcame their fright. The ruined cities were rebuilt and trade and commerce were resumed.”
About 25,000 years ago, Atlantis and Lemuria were the two most highly civilized continents on earth. Then, things shifted. Here is one explanation from the website lemurianconnection.com: “Dissension between the two (Atlantis and Lemuria) arose regarding the development and evolution of other civilizations. The Lemurians believed that the other less evolved cultures should be left alone to continue their own evolution at their own pace according to their own understandings and pathway, whereas the Atlanteans believed that less evolved cultures should be controlled by the two more evolved civilizations. Their argument over ideologies resulted in…wars which weakened both continental plates. When the wars were over and the dust had settled, there were no winners, only death, destruction and further debasing of the human spirit to the point that both sides realized the futility of such behavior”.
Churchward has his own variation of the story. He goes on to tell us that “…many generations later after the first cataclysms, Mu again became the victim of earthquakes. The whole continent heaved and rolled like the ocean’s waves. The land trembled and shook like the leaves of a tree in a storm. Temples and palaces came crashing to the ground and monuments and statues were overturned. The cities became heaps of ruins.
“As the land rose and fell, quivered and shook, the fire of the volcanoes burst forth, piercing the clouds in roaring flames three miles in diameter. There they were met by lightning shafts which filled the heavens. A thick black pall of smoke overshadowed the land. Hugh cataclysmic waves rolled in over the shores and extended themselves over the plains. Cities and all things living went down to destruction before them. Agonizing cries of the multitude filled the air. The people sought refuge in their temples and citadels only to be driven out by fire and smoke and the women and the men in their shining garments and precious stones cried: ‘Mu save us’.
“When the continent was rent asunder and went down, for geological reasons, ridges and points of land here and there remained out of water. These ridges and points were thus made islands and groups of islands, but were very jagged and broken up by the volcanic workings which had occurred beneath them.
“Nearly the entire population had been engulfed by this catastrophe. The few that remained alive, all that were left of the motherland of man, the ruler of the world, discovered that they were destitute. They had nothing- no tools, no clothing, no shelter; little land and no food. Only small islands were left. Some of them we know today as the South Sea Islands, and some of their inhabitants can claim, as remote ancestors, the people of ancient Mu.”
While their continent still existed, the Lemurians decided to build a separate society inside Mt. Shasta, in California, where they would be safe from war and any disruptions on the surface of the earth. Over an unknown period of time, the city of Telos was built inside Mt. Shasta and was designed to house 200,000 Lemurians.

So the question now arises: “Did Lemuria really exist or just another fairy tale?” Where’s the proof? Here we will investigate findings gathered from archaeology, ancient manuscripts, ancient legends, geology, oceanography, flora and fossils, zoology, personal experience and exploration.
Exploration/ Personal Experience

Colonel James Churchward (27 February 1851 – 4, January 1936) was a British engineer, fisherman, inventor, soldier and explorer. While he was a soldier in India, he befriended a high-ranking temple priest who showed him a set of ancient “sunburnt” clay tablets, supposedly in a long-lost “Naga-Maya language,” Naacal, which only two other people in India could read. Churchward convinced the priest to teach him the dead language and decipher the tablets by promising to restore and store the tablets, for Churchward was an expert in preserving ancient artifacts. According to the high priest, the tablets were written in either “Burma” or in the lost continent language of Mu itself. Having mastered the (symbols and pictographs) language himself, Churchward found out that they originated from “the place where man first appeared—Mu”. His two main archaeological sources of information were the clay tablets he read and deciphered in India, and a collection of 2,600 stone tablets that had been uncovered in Mexico by mineralogist, William Niven.
From his research, Churchward concluded and claimed that there was an advanced civilization, the Naacals, which flourished between 50,000 and 12,000 years ago. The Naacals were dominated by a “white race”, and were “superior in many respects to our own.” At the time of its demise, about 12,000 years ago, Mu had 64 million inhabitants and seven major cities, and colonies on the other continents. The 64 million inhabitants were separated as ten tribes that followed one government and one religion. The Mu books, having been the result of 65 years of the Colonel’s research and travels, contained over 200 sources to sustain his redux of world prehistory.
Churchward had his own theory of Mu’s destruction, which Cornell University professor Thomas Gold called the Deep-Earth-Gas-Hypothesis. (see David Hatcher Childress: Lemuria and the Pacific: p. 199 in which he states: “… Churchward’s gas chamber hypothesis is now the leading new trend in geology).

Source: Wikipedia
William Niven, Born 6 October 1850, Bellshill, Lanarkshire, Scotland — died, 2 June, 1937, Austin, Texas.
“In 1879, a Scotsman named William Niven, came to the United States, where in very few years he emerged a prominent mineralogist. His expedition to Mexico under the auspices of the American Museum of Natural History in the 1890’s led to many important archaeological discoveries, all of which he documented carefully in his letters, diaries, and newspaper articles. His discovery of twenty-six hundred inscribed stone tablets in the Valley of Mexico aroused controversy over the origins of native American cultures, and even inspired (Colonel) James Churchward to put forth an occult interpretation in The Lost Continent of Mu (1926)”. (Quoted in the book, Buried Cities, Forgotten Gods, by Robert S. Wicks and Roland H. Harrison-[Niven’s grandson]).
The importance of Niven’s discovery of these stone tablets cannot be emphasized enough. Each of these stones has a story to tell — a story about the Motherland. If you decide to delve deeper, we suggest you read Churchward’s books. Without these stones, Churchward would have had very little archaeological proof for the existence of the Motherland of Lemuria, and Niven would not have received as much notoriety without Churchward’s fascinating books. Niven and Churchward became good friends, but Niven did not believe in the existence of Lemuria. Rather he sided with the popular theory that travelers from the Far East crossed over to the west across the Bering Straits, which still seems to be the popular hypothesis, although there is very little, if any, hard proof. It is just a theory.

Drawing of Niven’s clay pits from the book, The Lost Continent of Mu, by Colonel James Churchward, page 229. The picture of Niven’s clay stones cited from the book, Children of Mu by Colonel James Churchward (following page 158)

Photo by Alice Dixon Le Plongeon
Source: Wikipedia
Augustus Le Plongeon. The mythical idea of the “Land of Mu” first appeared in the works of the British-American antiquarian, Augustus Le Plongeon (1825–1908). He claimed that he had translated the first copies of the Popul Vuh, the sacred book of the K’iche.’ He claimed the civilization of Yucatán was older than those of Greece and Egypt, and told the story of an older continent.
Plongeon found records in Yukatan stating that “the Hieratic head of the Land of Mu prophesied its destruction. He also translated hieroglyphs at Uxmal. On its walls it read: “This edifice is a commemorative monument dedicated to the memory of Mu—the Lands of the West—the birthplace of our sacred mysteries.” (Quoted in the book, The Lost Continent of Mu, by Churchward, 1926, p. 57, 58)
End of Part One
Part two contains more interesting items from archaeology, zoology, ancient manuscripts, geology and oceanography. Read on…
Part Two
Ancient Manuscripts
The Llasa Record of Tibet (from west side of the Pacific Ocean)discovered by Heinrich Schliemann (who also discovered Troy), in an old Buddhist Temple of Llasa: “When the star of Ball fell on the place where now is only the sky and the sea, the seven cities with their golden gates and transparent temples, quivered and shook like the leaves in a storm; and, behold, a flood of fire and smoke arose from the palaces. Agonies and cries of the multitude filled the air. They sought refuge in their temples and citadels…”
Mayan Manuscripts (from the east side of the Pacific Ocean)
Today there are four known manuscripts, both whole and in fragments, that have been recovered and confirmed to be of Maya origin. These are the Dresden Codex, the Madrid Codex (Codex Cortesianus), the Paris Codex, and the Maya Codex of Mexico. We will quote two of them.
Codex Cortesianus

Source: Wikipedia
Quote from the Codex Cortesianus (Madrid Codex): “Twice Mu jumped from her foundations; it was then sacrificed by fire. It burst while being shaken up and down violently by earthquakes…the land was rendered and torn to pieces… quivering like the leaves of a tree in storm…rising and falling like the waves in the ocean…and during the night it went down…”
Codex Troanus

Quote from Codex Troanus: “On the sixth day of Can, in the Eleventh Muluc, in the month of Zac, occurred dreadful earthquakes and continued until the thirteenth Chuen. The land of Clay Hills Mu and the land Moud were victims. They were shaken twice and, in the night, suddenly disappeared. The earth crust was continually raised and lowered in many places by the subterranean forces until it could not resist such stresses and countries became separated one from another by deep crevices. Finally, both provinces could not resist such tremendous stresses and sank in the ocean together with 64,000,000 inhabitants. It occurred 8,060 years ago.” Translated by August Le Plongeon
The modern concept of Lemuria was born in the 1860s when a group of British geologists noted the striking similarity between fossils and sedimentary strata found in India and South Africa. Geologists noted that strata of the Permian age in India, South Africa, Australia, and South America (245 to 286 million years ago) were almost identical in the types of sedimentary rocks that comprised them. In addition, these strata on these continents contained identical fossils of land plants.
Because these land plants and animals could not have crossed the open sea and continents were thought to be immobile, geologists explained the presence of identical fossil plants and animals on India, Africa, South America, and Australia by postulating the existence of land bridges and even whole continents that had long since sunk beneath the oceans. Note. This theory is rejected by the modern continental land drift theory.

Source: Website, Perceptive Travel
Tonga-Tabu is a coral atoll, located in the South Pacific Ocean. There is not a particle of natural stone upon it, nothing but corals. Here… we find an immense stone monument, set up in the form of an arch [similar toTiajuanaco, Bolivia- author’s comment]. It consists of two huge uprights weighing about 70 tons each which are bound together at the top with another stone weighing about 25 tons. (Who lifted these giant stones? How many thousands of years would it take to create such wear on these stones?)
There being no native stone on the island and the nearest available stone being over 200 miles away, it leaves open a wide field for speculation as to how these stones ever ended up on this island and how they constructed it…: (Churchward, p. 72)
Baalbek Lebanon
Baalbek, Lebanon, is the site of one of the most mysterious ruins of the Roman Empire, a monumental two-thousand-year-old temple to Jupiter that sits atop three thousand-ton stone blocks. The massive multi-level platform found at Baalbek, is believed by some scientists to be one of the “only” prediluvian sites that survived the flood. At a much later time, it became very well known to the Romans, who desecrated the site to build their temples. In fact, the largest Roman temples ever built were not in Rome, but were found in Baalbek. One of the most puzzling aspects of the ruins at Baalbek are the 1,000-plus ton stones which formed part of the original temple platform.

The Big One! Are we sure the natives carved this trilithon by hand?? This most precisely cut gigantic trilithon stone is believed to weigh 1500 tons. Doing the math, that come out to be three million pounds (3,000,000)! (From the book, History of Baalbek by Michel M. Alouf, July 1890)
Who and how were these massive stones moved one quarter of a mile and set in the floor of the temple? A tribe of prehistoric natives, or a superior high-tech civilization?
Mexican Pyramid: The Lands of the West

website: Wikipedia
Pyramid at Xochicalo
This pyramid is at Xochicalo, to the southwest of Mexico City. There is an inscription on it which Le Plongeon has translated as follows: “This pyramid is a commemorative monument raised to perpetuate the destruction of The Lands of the West among coming generations”. From Churchward, The Lost Continent of Mu. The lands of the west would unmistakably be the Pacific Ocean.

Better known as King Kamehameha III’s summer home, this is a phenomenal treasure and piece of true Hawaiian history hidden away near Oahu’s Pali Highway. The structure dates back to 1847, and was only used for a few decades before being abandoned and reclaimed by nature.

Pohaku Lana’i, Oahu
What looks like a giant stone mushroom are actually two limestones, one sitting on top of the other This ancient site is also referred to as a balancing rock. The lower portion is about 6 feet (1.8 m) high, and the top one is balanced on the lower platform. Altogether the two rocks are about 12 feet (3.7 m) high and 93 feet (28.3 m) in circumference. Legend has it that the limestone floated ashore from the distant land of Kahik.
Nan Madol

Our destination is Nan Madol, near the southern side of the island of Panape, the only ancient city ever built atop of a coral reef. Its imposing yet graceful ruins are made of stones and columns so heavy that no one has figured out how it was built. Besides the elegance of the walls and platforms, there is no carving, no art – nothing except legend to remember the people, called the Saudeleur, who ruled the island for more than a millennium. Pohnpeians view the ruins as a sacred and scary place where spirits own the night.
Mauricio, one of the guides, explains that Nan Madol is composed of 92 artificial islands spread over 200 acres abutting Pohnpei’s mangrove-covered shore. Brought from the other side of the island are columns of black lava rock up to 20 feet long that are naturally pentagonal or hexagonal and straight
Mauricio observes, “We don’t know how they brought the columns here and we don’t know how they lifted them up to build the walls. Most Pohnpeians are content to believe they used magic to fly them.”
The total weight of the black rocks moved is estimated at 750,000 metric tons. Built from a staggering 250 million tons of volcanic rock, could the local legends be true– that strange visitors floated the massive rocks through the air? Oral histories of Nan Madol describe great birds (flying machines?) or giants moving the basalt rocks into place. Others recall the magic used by the twin sorcerers Olosohpa and Olosihpa to create a place to worship their gods.
California Coast
The Chumash people were discovered in 1542 by Juan Cabrillo while attempting to navigate the coastal waters of California. They were people of high integrity and profound spiritual powers. They had very gifted astronomers and astrologers. When asked their origin, the Chumash point to the west, over the Pacific Ocean, as being the home of the “First People”. They honor a place to the west they call the “Land of the Dead” where their Great Spirit lives in a crystal cave on the bottom of the sea. (Taken from the article, Looking Back by Julia White).

Source: Website
Hopi Indian legend supports Churchward’s hypothesis. The Hopi believe that they originally came out of the west (the Pacific Ocean) on bamboo rafts! Arriving at a wall of steep mountains, they climbed to the top and looked back; in the distance, they could see islands sinking. The continent of Mu consisted of one large and two smaller islands.

Easter Island (Rapa Nui)
John Macmillan Brown in his book, The Riddle of the Pacific (1924), tell us that the local tradition of the inhabitants of Easter Island in the Pacific states that the natives are from a sunken Island called Hiva. He was convinced that an advanced culture once existed throughout the Pacific and that sudden cataclysms had submerged most of the land causing a collapse of the civilization (taken from an article in the Atlantis Rising magazine.)
An Easter Island legend says “This little Island had once been a part of a great continent of land, crossed with many roads, beautifully paved with flat stones…”
Explorer David Hatcher Childress, in visiting Easter Island, asked Marcos, one of the locals, how the giant statues were moved. Marcos replied: “The people never used rollers to move these statues…These statues walked to where they stand now. They walked by using the power of ‘mana’. ‘Mana’ is mental power. These statues just walked. No tools or other methods were needed, only the ancient power of ‘mana’.” (Quoted from Lost Cities of Ancient Lemuria and the Pacific, by David Hatcher Childress, p. 292)

Website: news.artnet.com/art-world/easter-island
In 1864, zoologist Philip Schlater published an article about a classification of species called lemurs in which he was puzzled by the presence of their fossils in both Madagascar and India but not in Africa or the Middle East. He hypothesized that Madagascar and India had once been a part of a larger continent, which was the first theory leading to the discovery of the ancient supercontinent Pangea.

website: pexels
It might sound implausible, but deep at the bottom of the Indian Ocean, a research team, led by South Africa’s University of the Witwatersrand, has found pieces of an ancient continent. The lava-covered piece of continent, dubbed ‘Mauritia,’ was found under the popular island of Mauritius ( Wikipedia, Apr 6)
Item below taken from the website Science Daily. Date: January 31, 2017. Source: University of the Witwatersrand
Summary:” Scientists have confirmed the existence of a ‘lost continent’ under the Indian Ocean Island of Mauritius that was left-over by the break-up of the supercontinent, Gondwana, which started about 200 million years ago.”
In 1971, a research vessel for Decca Survey out of Houston, Texas, was plunging through the high swells of the Pacific Ocean about forty-five miles off Peru… On board was Thomas Vanderveer operating a remote-controlled television camera looking for oil sepages from the ocean floor…Vanderveer’s television was equipped with an early video camera…at a dept of between 6,000 and 9,000 feet. Vanderveer states, “As the sled was coming up over the rise, it hit ground and then tumbled. But as it recovered, we saw a building like something you’d see at Chichen Itza (Mayan ruins), with columns along the front…”
Vandeveer’s monitor suddenly filled with the ghostly form of a large edifice standing apparently intact under several thousand feet of water. The lamps of the sled illuminated a pale structure, making it resemble the Maya’s Temple of the Warrior in Yucatan. (Cited from, The Lost Civilization of Lemuria by Frank Joseph, p. 291-292)
“Local dive-master Kihachiro Aratake was exploring the crystal-clear seas approximately 300 feet off Arakawa-bana in 1985, when he stumbled on more than he had bargained for. Standing under seventy-five feet of water was what seemed to be a flat-topped stone pyramid. Nearly eighty feet high, its uppermost part rose about three feet above the waves”. (Quoted from The Lost Civilization of Lemuria, by Frank Joseph)

In northern Japan runs a river deemed sacred because it carried the first semi-divine beings into the country; it is called the Mu River.
There is a mountain in Japan named Kumara. In Japanese, “mu” means, “that which does not exist or no longer exists”, just as it does in Korean. Does it hearken back to the land that no longer exists?
See the You Tube of JJ and Deseree Hurtak at:
If you have read all the above material, I must commend you. That was a lot of information for you to peruse. It took me a great amount of fascinating time and research to compile it. It is impossible to deny the existence of so many herculean stone monuments scattered all over the Pacific islands that have been photographed. And when someone investigates the mythology of these many islands, their many similar stories and myths, all around the so-called “Ring of Fire,” one could very easily conclude that this evidence strongly points to the existence of an advanced civilization once located in the Pacific Ocean – very possibly, the Motherland of Lemuria. What do you think?
The Lost Continent of Mu, by Colonel James Churchward
The Lost Continent of the Pacific, by Wisher S. Cerve
The Women of Lemuria, Kindle, by Kryon
The Lemurian Way, by Lauren O. Thyme with Sareya Orion
Lost Cities of Ancient Lemuria and the Pacific by David Hatcher Childress
The Lost Civilization of Lemuria, by Frank Joseph
Red Tree: Insight Into Lost Continents, Mu and Atlantis, by Christine Hayes
Three Worlds Lost: The History of Mu, Lemuria and Atlantis, by Denny Highben
Legends of Atlantis and Lost Lemuria, by Scott Elliot
Problem of Lemuria: The Sunken Continent of Lemuria, by Lewis Spence
Cosmic Memory: Atlantis and Lemuria, by Rudolph Steiner
The King of the Lemurians, by Abraham Joseph Mansfield
A Dweller on Two Planets, by Phylos the Thibetan
Buried Cities, Forgotten Gods, by Robert S. Wicks and Roland H. Harrison
Sunrise of Splendor, by Joyce Verette
Golden Cities and the Masters of Shamballa, by Lori Adaile Toye
Popol- Vuh; Chilam Balam; Rig Veda; Mahabarata; Plutarch’s “Life Of Solon”; Manava Dharma Sastra; Nahuatl writings; The Book of the Dead; Dresden Codex’ Borgian and Boturini.
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