Telos, City of Love-
An Historical Overview
Hidden from those of us who live on the outer “surface” of the Earth, and who think that the surface is the only real estate available on this planet, is a secret, magical fifth dimensional kingdom named Telos. We call it the City of Love. Telos is surprisingly well known to many Lightworkers from all over the globe.
Telos was created in the opening of an extinct volcano within the mountain of Mt. Shasta, in northern California, USA, about 12,000 years ago. This mountain has been a sacred and revered location on this planet for many eons.
Historical lore tells us that the people of Telos came from the ancient continent of Lemuria, a large and prosperous land in the Pacific Ocean which flourished from approximately 4,500,000 to 30,000 years ago. However, following several Golden Ages during which Lemuria (MU) and its colonies reached a legendary level of consciousness and creativity, big trouble began developing between Lemuria and one of its colonies, Atlantis.
A dispute that would change the course of history on this planet erupted over how new colonies that were developing should be allowed to form themselves. The Lemurians felt that beginning cultures should be allowed to grow undisturbed and create their own evolution. Atlantis wanted control over these new arrivals.
A series of dramatic wars followed in which supra- civilized beings who had created Golden Ages now fell to very low levels of consciousness. The Atlantian penchant for scientific brilliance led to development of thermonuclear devices that created much destruction all over the planet, and weakened the structures of both of the land masses, eventually causing both to sink into the ocean – Lemuria first and Atlantis about 200 years later.
The wars also precipitated earthquakes and destroyed the mantle, a kind of protective canopy around the planet intended to filter the harmful rays of the sun. This resulted in life becoming almost unsustainable. It is said that the Outback in Australia, the Mojave Desert, parts of the Gobi Desert and the Sahara Desert were all created as a result of these thermonuclear wars.
When it was known that Lemuria was going to sink into the ocean, the spiritual leaders of MU contacted the Agartha Network, a federation ruling a large group of already developed subterranean cities within the planet, Earth. They requested permission to find a location to build a new city for their population. In order to be allowed to proceed, they had to prove that they would be peaceful and that they had learned the lessons of aggression and war from the suffering.
The Lemurians chose a large opening in the mountain of Mt. Shasta as their new home. They desired the peaceful and more protected interior of the planet for their settlement, rather than the surface, having suffered greatly from the wars and wishing to avoid contact with threatening warlike bands of beings from different locations, including other star systems. The leaders of Telos had resolved to make their new home a very peaceful place where the community could evolve to the highest degree possible in their spirituality.
The area we call California had already been a colony of Lemuria, and much of what is now the Southwest of the United States had already been in close relationship with Lemuria. The area at that time was named Telos, which means communication with spirit, understanding with spirit. The Lemurians had originally planned to relocate two million people, but when the cataclysms that were the result of the wars came, including the sinking of the land mass of Lemuria, only 25,000 Lemurians were saved. It is said that at the same time, the volcanoes in many locations on the planet also started erupting, sending debris into the air and making life almost impossible to sustain. The final sinking of Lemuria took place suddenly, overnight and ahead of expectation, and took the rest of the population with it.
In an intense aftermath of destruction, earthquakes and tidal waves continued for almost 2000 years after the Atlantian and Lemurian catastrophes, which is one explanation as to why few remains exist to attest to the existence of these civilizations.
The Lemurians who came to occupy the city of Telos had already removed their sacred flames and artifacts of spiritual life before the sinking of the land. Priests and priestesses had created temples as their initial project, upon occupying the mountain. An early project was also to reroute the lava tunnels which had caused the original volcanic eruption so that another eruption would not occur.
The city of Telos, which is in no way visible from the outer aspect of Mt. Shasta, is built within the dome of the extinct volcano and reaches in width across most of what would be the base of Mt. Shasta. The details of the city are outlined very specifically in an article, About Telos, on the website,, including a diagram. It is challenging for us to understand but it must be noted that the Telosians are fifth dimensional beings, and time and space are experienced radically differently in the fifth, rather than in the third dimension in which most of us live. Therefore, what appear to be spaces of limited size to third dimensional vision can be extended and expanded within the fifth dimension, creating space for a large number of people and activities.
The Lemurians – now the Telosians – devoted themselves to creating five levels for their city, including levels carved out within the earth beneath ground level. Technology had been highly developed in Lemuria, far beyond anything we have the ability comprehend in our current life on Earth, and this assisted greatly in the construction of the city. There is a top level containing the temples, administrative buildings and residential buildings for the population. Another level beneath contains manufacturing, education and more residences. A third level consists of hydroponic gardens which feed the entire population. Other layers contain extensive park lands for recreation with remarkable species of animals.
None of this is visible to the visitor to Mt. Shasta. The Telosians have an extensive system of protection from outside influences, including the U.S. Government and other possible off-planetary disturbers. The few people who have visited were allowed entry through hidden doorways and magical tunnels which, incidentally, are said to exist throughout the center of the earth and have been utilized for eons by civilizations of which most of us know little.
The most notable characteristics of the Telosians are their all-pervasive love and their living spirituality which derives originally from the Melchizedeck Order, a highly developed organization of spiritual teachers who exist on all of the planets. Their temples offer elevated teachings and healing, integrated as a part of daily life, and a high loving consciousness present throughout the society.
The Telosians consider us, those who live on the surface of the Earth, their brothers and sisters who were left behind when Lemuria sank. They speak of us as close family and deeply desire to unite with us and to share all that they have learned. They also wish to share the extremely highly developed technology to which they have access and which could greatly facilitate the life of Earthlings.
To place this desire to unite within a clearer spiritual context, the Telosians, being elevated fifth dimensional beings, consider it their responsibility, as well as their desire, to assist brothers and sisters of a lesser consciousness to elevate themselves spiritually. They are devoted to making all of Earth a place of great love and oneness. To this end, they desire that we end our dalliance with war and that we honor and love Mother Gaia in the ways that they do.
This point of view has great spiritual significance because it is not possible for Planet Earth to “ascend” to higher consciousness until there is peace and harmony among all of the inhabitants of the planet. And further, planet Earth is the only planet within this galaxy that has not “ascended” and the possibility of all of the galaxy rising to a higher vibrational level depends upon Earth achieving ascension!
Beings who have visited Telos or have clairvoyant abilities describe it as a “fairyland,” unlike anything we might have ever experienced within our world. The Telosian society is built on crystals. They use crystals for construction, energy and many other aspects of life. They have also achieved immortality; they have learned to extend the life of the body indefinitely.
The Telosians have much to teach us and much to share. They have the technology to clean the pollution on our portion of the Earth very rapidly and restore the land and waters to their pristine beauty. Telos provides a potential model here on the surface of the Earth for spiritual souls who seek the creation of the “New Earth” that so many with higher consciousness desire.
If you feel called to explore this and/or the website, you may have been part of the family of these extraordinary people who live in the highest brotherhood and love, and who are waiting to unite with and help us, their brothers and sisters, on the “surface” of the Earth!