The original home of the people of Telos was ancient Lemuria (known as The Motherland), noted as MU on the map. It was a very large and beautiful land mass in the Pacific Ocean. All that now exists of Lemuria are many small islands, including the Hawaiian Islands. Ancient Lemuria was a prosperous land that existed for eons as a model of peace and harmony on the planet. Lemuria had extensive colonies all over the globe. For more details, please explore these articles, An Historical Overview and The Ancient History of Lemuria.
The peace and harmony of Lemuria was finally broken by a period of strong and continuing conflicts between Lemuria (MU) and one of her most developed colonies, Atlantis. Their disagreements grew stronger over time and eventually led to a long series of thermonuclear wars between them. These conflicts gradually destabilized the firmament of the earth, creating earthquakes and floods. Both Lemuria and later, Atlantis, eventually sank from the destabilization of the Earth.

A group of Lemurian leaders who recognized the futility of war and had not supported the conflict with Atlantis, made the choice to find and relocate to a safer place and to pursue a higher spiritual path. This occurred about 12,000 years ago. Following spiritual guidance, 25,000 Lemurians who had survived the turmoil, established a new home inside the dome of an extinct volcano at Mt. Shasta, California, USA. Parts of California had been colonies of Lemuria. Mount Shasta had always been a place of great sacredness for the whole planet. They also recognized that being within, rather than on the surface of the earth, would provide safety from the continuing earthquakes, floods and aggressive marauders from other planets.
These people proceeded to pursue their deepest desire — to focus all of their attention on their spiritual evolution and to hold the Light securely in place for all of the beings on the rest of the planet. The present day Telosians are the Lemurians of that ancient challenging period. Over time, in their chosen location within Mt. Shasta, they have developed a magnificent, loving community with the highest spiritual ideals. They are waiting for the right moment to join with us and to share with us, their brothers and sisters on the surface, all that they have learned.
Before presenting fascinating day-to-day details of the life of these surprise neighbors who have lived so long within our Earth — and are yet unknown to us — it is important to present information about their spiritual life. The following channeled Messages speak to this. These messages are from Telosian High Priest, Adama, and were received, beginning in 1992, by Dianne Robbins, a telepath who is a resident of Mt. Shasta. To our knowledge, this was the first direct contact between the Telosians and our society on the surface. The messages are published in her book, TELOS, 1st Transmissions ever received from the Subterranean City beneath Mt. Shasta, New Expanded Edition, pp. 111, 112, 121. The messages follow.
“Know that in Telos, it is very Light. We go about our business with God’s Light radiating out from us. All that we think and do carries out God’s plan. All that we feel, magnifies God’s plan. All that we say in our speech, exemplifies God’s plan. So you see, our lives are totally interwoven in God’s Plan for Earth.”
And further, “…for God is indeed everywhere, everywhere imaginable, and encompasses everything. We, in Telos, learned this many aeons ago, and it is this knowledge that allows us to grow deeper and deeper in wisdom. For all things are of God. This is quite a simple fact, and the acknowledgment of this can change your life. It has changed the life of all of us beneath the Earth. Once we recognized this, we began to utilize its significance and ramification in our daily lives to our advantage, bringing us unknown joy and wealth.”
“All our lives, we live for the Glory of God, for the purpose of bringing Light to the Earth and raising her and all souls up into their Great God Self, where all abundance and health await you. It is but a different octave of frequency. And once your consciousness reaches this octave, you burst into a new world – where all is Love and all is Light…”
A major part of the spiritual path of the people of Telos is the Seven Sacred Flames (or Rays), each of which has a specific spiritual content, and each of which has been assigned a day of the week. There is a Chohan or Ascended Master in charge of each Ray. Master Adama has said, “…each day of the week, one of the rays becomes predominant. In Telos, we work…each day by amplifying in our hearts, our minds, and our daily activities the specific energies of each day of the week.” Aurelia Louise Jones channeled information for a beautiful book, The Seven Sacred Flames (2007, Mount Shasta Light Publishing) which contains full information about the flames and the teaching, as well as messages from the Ascended Masters. This topic is discussed in detail in another article on this website.
Telos is located within the mountain of Mount Shasta in Siskiyou County in Northern California, USA. Because Mt. Shasta is an extinct volcano, there is a hollow dome within the mountain. The city of Telos was constructed utilizing the existing dome and the land beneath this dome for approximately one mile into the earth. At the time of its construction, the population of the city was approximately 25,000 people. Mount Shasta is the largest volcanic peak in the continental United States and rises to a height of 14,162 feet above sea level. Below is a diagram of Telos, constructed as accurately as possible from the researched information available.

Looking at the mountain from the outside, the top of the inner dome within the mountain is about one mile up from the base of the mountain. The width of the city at ground level is approximately a mile and a half wide.
The city of Telos is constructed vertically and contains six levels within the mountain, the first of which is at ground level. The remaining five levels were constructed in the crust or mantle of the Earth directly below the first or ground level. The bottom of the city at the lowest level is about a mile below the ground level of the mountain. The dimensions of this city, therefore, are approximately 1.5 miles wide by 2 miles deep, from the top.
The Population of Telos: The population of Telos is approximately 1.5 million people. They reside on Levels One and Two of the city of Telos (see the Diagram above).
Anticipating your questions as to the seemingly limited space that these two levels of the city offer for that number of people, it should be noted that the Telosian people live in a higher spiritual dimension than do we. Most people who live on the surface of the Earth live in what is described as third dimension. In third dimension, time and space are very solidly defined. In higher dimensions, there is much more flexibility with time and space, with much less solid boundaries. While the space that is described here for the Telosians may appear small to us for all that appears to take place there, it provides ample space for a multitude and for all the many activities described – with ease.
The following are the words of Master Adama: “We have it within our ability to expand a space such that …you experience a space that is much larger and more expansive than you expected it to be from the outside looking in.” “I understand this is a challenging concept.” “…all of you are living in the illusion of space and time that exists in the 3rd dimension.” “Space…is a 3rd dimension construct that helps provide humanity with a framework and reference points.” “We are not limited to those same constructs, so it is within our knowledge to create space in a different way than that which you are accustomed to…” (Source: Bryan Tilghman, Telos Welcoming New Earth, pp. 8 and 9)
Level One: This is the top level under the dome itself. This is the “heart and soul”of the city. In the center of this level is a very large, beautiful white pyramid-shaped temple, the temple of Ma-Ra, dedicated to the Order of the Melchizedek. The temple has a capacity for 10,000 people. The capstone of this pyramid is an unusual stone, a gift to the Telosian people from Venus. This “living stone” picks up the cosmic emanations of the color appropriate for the sacred flame of each day. (Each of the Seven Sacred Flames has an assigned day of the week and a color. See the article on the Seven Sacred Flames.)
The importance of this is that the population of Telos can see the color of the flame or ray each day in the light around the pyramid. They can then plan their daily activity to be resonant with the vibration and content of the ray for the day. For example, on Sunday, the yellow ray is prominent in the atmosphere. The content of the yellow ray is illumination; hence, a good day to study. When the pink ray is prominent (unconditional Love and artistic endeavors), that is a day for painting and music. In this way, attuning to the cosmic vibration, the society is able to achieve great harmony and balance.
Surrounding the Pyramid temple are the communications center, a meeting place for the Council of Twelve, a hall of records, temples dedicated to the sacred flames, arts and entertainment facilities, schools, food and clothing dispatches and the majority of the residences in Telos. Mt. Shasta is also an inter-planetary and inter-galactic multi-dimensional portal, so there is a spaceport within the top level of the mountain for visiting ships.
The following is a description from Bryan Tilghman of his perception of the first Level of Telos. “Just standing here outside the Great Hall, my feeling is that I have just stepped into a wonderland. No Hollywood movie would compare. Its beauty is far beyond any city-scape or skyline I’ve ever seen. Everything is pristine and beautiful. Everything is perfect in form.” “…most of the infrastructure, roadways and buildings here appear to be made of crystal. Everything is beautiful and radiant.” From p. 4, Telos Welcoming New Earth, Bryan Tilghman (Mu Press, Mt. Shasta).
Levels Two through Six. The next five levels are built below ground level. Each level covers several square miles. There are elevators to navigate the levels.
Level Two houses a manufacturing center for clothing, furniture and art forms, and several schools for children and adults. It also includes residential areas, with more housing for singles, couples and extended families.
Level Three is dedicated totally to hydroponic gardens that feed the entire city and cover about seven acres of land. Telosians eat vegetables, fruits, grains and nuts. Hydroponic gardens produce crops constantly with very little soil and much water. The crops do not need fertilizer and do not deplete the soil. Minerals are added. These crops produce enough food for the total population, though it should be noted that fifth dimensional beings do not require the amount of food that we ingest here on the surface, since their bodies are not as dense.

Possible Hydroponic Gardens of TELOS
Level Four: Here, there are more hydroponic gardens, more manufacturing and a large area of natural parks with lakes and fountains where people go to relax.
Level Five is dedicated totally to nature. It contains a large, natural environment with tall trees and lakes in a park-like atmosphere that is a habitat for a wide variety of animals, some of which are extinct on the surface. All animals are vegetarian and non-violent, and live side by side without fear (the lion and the lamb!). This level also provides much relaxation for the people of Telos. Levels Three, Four and Five produce enough oxygen to sustain the biosphere.

These pictures of contemporary Hawaii give us some idea of the beauty
and bounty that must have been the continent of Lemuria at its height.
Level Six is generally reserved for storage and preservation of important records and artifacts preserved for posterity.
SPECIAL NOTE: The following explanation (offered here verbatim) from Secrets of the Subterranean Cities, Part 2, www.diannerobbins.com, helps us to understand the construction of the city described above and shows us the brilliant and advanced technology of the Telosian people.
The Boring Machines: “…all was reinforced by what we call our boring machines. The boring machines have a crystalline matrix that creates [a] temperature of white-hot incandescense, [that] … cools at the same time. The boring machine heats rock, earth, …to a white-hot incandescense and then cools it almost immediately … [creating] a diamond hard substance. And the structure, then, is also water-tight, yet remains in elasticity, so it can withstand high earthquakes, for instance, and will just move, much like a rubber tube and stop without breaking.
“That way, even within the subterranean cities, when earthquakes take place, none of the walls of the buildings or caverns fracture. They simply move with it, then return back to the diamond hard substance; and again support beams and such become totally superfluous. Also, water has no effect upon it. They become water-tight. Thus, subterranean cities can even be built underneath oceans because they create a complete seal.”
SOURCES: (1) Secrets of the Subterranean Cities, Parts 1-4, www.diannerobbins.com was the largest source of this information; (2) TELOS, 1st Transmissions ever received from the Subterranean City beneath Mt. Shasta, New Expanded Edition, Dianne Robbins; (3) Telos, Volume I, Revelations of the New Lemuria, Aurelia Louise Jones. (4) Telos Welcoming New Earth, Bryan Tilghman.