A Rare Visit Within TELOS

A member of our own surface Earth community, a Hospitality Executive and Lightworker, Lowell Johnson, recently visited Telos. This was not a visit in meditation which some have experienced, but a visit in his physical body (“with boots on,” he says). Lowell has long been a spiritual explorer and offers a beautiful Ascension Handbook on his website.
In July of 2020, Lowell was hiking on the mountain at Mt. Shasta and made contact with a Telosian man. To his great surprise, Lowell was asked if he would like to visit Telos. He, of course, responded YES, and was taken to a meeting with Master Adama and the governing Council. They asked him if he were willing to be an “emissary” for them to the surface population. (He said YES!) Again, a year later, in June of 2021, Lowell had a visit on the mountain with a Telosian Council member. See Lowell’s website for interviews about these amazing experiences. We especially recommend the Interview with Zane Wheeler: My Visit to Telos, July 2020 and the Interview with Rob Potter, June 2021.