TELOS is a Fifth Dimensional city within Mt. Shasta, California —
a Spiritual Model for Creating the New Earth


Dear Friends:
We welcome you, and we thank you for visiting our TELOS, City of Love, website. We look forward to sharing fascinating information with you.
This website was created to introduce to you our friendly, enlightened neighbors, the people of Telos. Over a great period of time, they have developed and been living within a beautiful, fifth dimensional city — created INSIDE the extinct volcano in the mountain of Mount Shasta, California, within the United States of America. Their city is not visible to our third dimensional eyes, but several people have visited and confirmed their residence there.
The Telosians are a highly advanced people, spiritually and technologically. They are waiting for the right moment when enough people on the surface of the Earth are sufficiently open and receptive that they may come forward and meet with us, in order to share their knowledge with us. We are hoping that this website about them will contribute to that increased openness.
(Yes! We know that all of this is a little hard to believe at first!)
Let’s get on with the adventure! Will you join us?

the mountains in ancient Lemuria, the original home of the Telosians.
Read on…

This website will present information both about present day Telos and about the history and background of the Telosian or Lemurian people. Our material comes from many different sources that we have researched. Ancient manuscripts have yielded substantial information about Lemuria (the original home of the Telosian people that is also often referred to as “The Motherland” or “MU”). These sources are mostly historical and archeological in nature, but also present geologic, oceanic and zoologic evidence.
Our information on present day Telos and the current life of the Telosian people comes mainly from two sources: (1) several books of “channeled” narrative accounts published within the last twenty years in which information was given from a Telosian source to an independent receiver; and (2) a detailed account of Telosian life and history given by a woman from Telos who lived in the United States for a significant time. This latter information is presented by Dianne Robbins on her website (see Sources below). It is a very valuable source of information because of its authenticity.

For those who have questions about channeling, we offer a general definition from Crimson Circle.com. “Channeling is a natural form of communication between humans and angelic beings, nature spirits, non-physical entities, or even animals and pets. A channeler is very similar to a language translator or interpreter. They allow themselves to sense the non-verbal communication from another being and then translate it into human words.” An openness to information received through channeling is an essential part of this adventure.
To read about the many outstanding people who have brought information about Telos to our world, please click on Sources of Information About Telos.

“I am Adama, Ascended Master and High Priest of Telos, a Subterranean City beneath Mt. Shasta in California. I am dictating this message to you from my home beneath the Earth, where over a million and a half of us live in perpetual peace and prosperity.
“We are human and physical just like you, except for the fact that our mass consciousness holds thoughts of only Immortality and Perfect Health. Therefore, we can live hundreds and even thousands of years in the same body.
“We came here from Lemuria over 12,000 years ago, before a thermonuclear war took place [with Atlantis] that destroyed the Earth’s surface. We faced such hardships and calamities above ground, that we decided to continue our evolution underground. We appealed to the Spiritual Hierarchy of the planet for permission to renovate the already existing cavern inside Mt. Shasta, and prepare it for the time when we would need to evacuate our homes above ground.
“When the war was to begin, we were warned by the Spiritual Hierarchy to begin our evacuation to this underground cavern by going through the vast tunnel system that’s spread throughout the planet. We had hoped to save all our Lemurian people, but there was only time to save 25,000 souls. The remainder of our race perished in the blast.
“For the past 12,000 years, we have been able to rapidly evolve in consciousness, due to our isolation from the marauding bands of extraterrestrials and other hostile races that prey on the surface population.
“The surface population has been experiencing great leaps of consciousness… It is for this reason that we have begun to contact surface dwellers to make our existence known. For in order for the Earth and humanity to continue to ascend in consciousness, the whole planet must be united and merged into ONE Light from below and ONE Light from above.
“It is for this reason that we are contacting you: to make you aware of our underground existence so you can bring the fact of our existence to the attention of our fellow brothers and sisters above ground. Our book of channeled messages is written to humanity in hopes that they will recognize and receive us when we emerge from our homes beneath the ground, and merge with them on the surface in the not too distant future. We will be grateful to you for the part you play in helping us broadcast the reality of our existence.”
This channeled Message is included in the book, TELOS, 1st Transmissions ever received from the Subterranean City beneath Mt. Shasta, New Expanded Edition by Dianne Robbins, Copyright 1992-2015. Please see our page entitled Sources of Information about Telos for more details.

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*articles in process of preparation, soon to appear
- Sources of Information about Telos – the people who first brought contact with Telos to our contemporary world
- About Telos – a detailed description of the physical layout of the City of Telos within Mt. Shasta
- The People of Telos – a series of detailed descriptions of all aspects of the life of the Telosian people today
- *The Seven Sacred Flames -the spiritual underpinning of Telosian life
- A Rare Visit To Telos – Lowell Johnson, hospitality executive and spiritual explorer, shares his visit into the heart of Telos of today
- Admiral Byrd’s Visit to the Inner Earth and His Secret Diary – the moving and controversial experience of the famous explorer into the Inner Earth
- An Historical Overview – the historical background of the Telosian people and how they came to live within Mt. Shasta
- *Auld Lang Syne – the relationship of this familiar melody to the history of Telos
- The History of Ancient Lemuria – the ancient origins of the Telosian people
- The Golden Sun Disc of MU – a fascinating piece of ancient history about a sacred object
- Is Our Earth Hollow (in three parts). An in-depth, researched treatise about the inside of the Inner Earth and its peoples
- The Library of Porthologos – the library that contains the history of our world (and beyond)
- *Marriage and Childbirth in Telos – relationships, marriage and childbirth in a spiritually advanced society
- The Birth of Dania – a beautiful fiction story of the life of children in Telos
*articles in process of preparation, soon to appear